


fall 2017 - current // western ma

Emily : Drums // jesse : bass (2019 - current) // Derek : Bass (2017-2019) // Will : Guitar // Matt : Guitar // Meghan : Vocals

releases: live at dead air ep (4/2019) // age of ruin ep (2/2018)

shares members with :
meghan : chemiplastica // foreign objects // siamese twins // a tension // Death Evocation
meghan and will : won't belong // Ampere // Longings // Intellectual Properties
will : failures // orchid // demonbrother // Absolute Power // Bucket Full Of Teeth // Laceration // Ritual Mess // Succumb
emily : rare form
will and matt : vaccine
matt and meghan : relics
matt : mean man's dream // the living city
jesse : last lights // mountain man // foxfires

BANDCAMP // full set // mrr new blood interview // email